Monday, April 12, 2010

how it really is,,,

ok.. this is how it really is... life is a little or as much as you make of it. point established. no duh. but im totally for serious, so much can be lost in every second, every split desicion like do i talk to "mr. man" or "that kid". everything can be lost, but deciding to talk to that kid who sits alone could give you the best things in life,, the small things count.

small things truely do count and i know how this sounds sooo cheessy but its soo true. some of the best things ive got in life were from the small descisions like talking to someone not realizing we would become best friends, or even just doing something nice for a person in need.

you honestly don't have to even care about this or even take any of what i said with you, its just something that has been on my mind...

little things can build or break a life. i truely belive this. soo many people get shattered inside frm small things like not getting talked to or getting made fun of as "a joke". its different when they acknowlege the joke or if it is truely just mean and they see it that wya. misunderstandings are what tend to be the driving force for most pain. the people you hold close are the ones who give you the most influence and can be the ones who are the culprites.

i realize that most of us don't wanna hear this but we are all guilty/accountable for the people who are hurt in our lives, even ourselves.

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